Saturday, September 14, 2013


WOOOHOOOOO, here I am! My name is Mariana and I’m eleven years old. Here are some facts about me. Ummm, I love to be happy and laugh all the time. I enjoy reading and writing letters. I love to eat pickles and Takis together. The DORK DIARIES series is my favorite out of all the books in the world. Rachel Renee Russell is the author of those books and she is the best. My favorite song is called “Love,” by Kiesha Cole. The subjects in school that I love are Reading, Math and Writing. My favorite animals are monkeys, horses and dogs. I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up. I love to play outside and play with my puppies. My favorite movie is Bring it On: Fight to the Finish. I hope sixth grade is the best year. Well, see ya!!!

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