Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You're Here! Good Luck!! Posted by Emerald

Well my friends and I had the best of times in 6th grade and now it’s your turn to have the best of fun just like we did. Well there will be some bumpy spots on the way but just pick yourself and keep walking. There might be hard times, but you will have some help.  Now, just because I said help, that doesn’t mean to wait for people to help you all the time, because you will face hard stuff on the way.

The best thing about 6th grade is that you have more freedom and you will get out of all the baby stuff you had to do in elementary. Still, when you’re in 6th some things just stay in 6th. J

All the teachers in sixth grade are very cool and even though sometimes they can be annoying, they are very funny. If you like jokes just talk with Mr. Niemeier because he is the funniest teacher. I love talking to him, and you will enjoy being in his classroom. J

For those of you that know me, you already know that I have never liked reading. But, since I stepped in Mrs.S chauer’s class I started to love reading so much that I just cant get it out of my head. I can read all day.  If people say you’re a nerd for reading tell them “at least I can read.”  Some people are very mean like that but I never let little kids tell me that.  Some of you will tell people they’re a nerd for  reading but you know what…the people that love reading pass!

The class I look forward to every day is Science with Mrs. Camden. Her classroom is very cool. She will not let you talk as much but, when she has her good days and, she’s not mad at anyone then you can look forward to talking in class so basically just behave with her.

The most fun I had in Coach Decamp’s class is when I’m looking at her explain everything because , she moves her hands and, oh my gosh! It’s so funny looking at her. But sometimes I have fun more in her class than in any other class.  The one that makes me laugh too sometimes is Mr.Proffit and, if you go to sleep in his class he will wake you up by saying something really loud.  Yeah, I fell asleep in his class a couple of times and he woke me up just the way I explained it to you .  It’s like he knows when you're asleep in there and, when he’s in the back and you sit in the back , he says something and  wakes you up. I think its really funny, but he is a really good teacher. You will enjoy all these good and wonderful  teachers. What I’m saying is don’t get your self in danger, or trouble.

Be a good LEADER and don’t GET in TROUBLE!

A Change, Posted by Alyssa

6th grade is a big step.  It’s so big that it probably changed my whole school life. The thing about 6th grade is the way you come into 6th grade is the way people are gonna see you for the rest of your years in school, Well except for college and when you’re a senior cause you’re gonna be the oldest out of everybody. When I first met everybody in my class, I was in 2nd grade. They accepted me for who I am which most people don’t do. I think the reason they accepted me for who I am is because everyone in my class is like my family. The people in my class have known each other for a real long time and when we had problems or needed help we would go to each other. A lot of people have told us that feeling like we’re a family will stop in 7th grade, but I don’t believe that at all because we’ve stuck to each other for six years and we’re a pretty strong family because we’ve been through a lot together and a lot of people have tried to break us up. But we just stay strong and keep our heads up high and if the road gets broken and one of us falls  then we will help that person cause that what family does—they stay and help each other out. In Hawaiian, the word Ohana means family and family means no one is left behind so nobody is gonna be left behind in our family. So my advice to the upcoming 6th graders is when you come to 6th grade be yourself don’t try to be like the older kids.                                                                                                                     

The One Step Higher Posted by Neil

Well it has been a very long school year in 6th grade but even though it has been long it has been a good experience for me. I have gotten to play football and basketball in 6th grade, which is something that not all kids get to do.  (But all the other kids probably have better cafeteria food. )  In football I was the left guard and defense I was the left guard also. We were not very good this year. I also got to play basketball and I was the starting point guard. I had the best and nicest coaches. We actually were pretty good in basketball this year.

For all the 6th graders coming up don’t be scared. You’ll only have to worry about turning in your homework. Try not to make the teachers mad and you ought to do pretty well in 6th grade. One of the lessons I learned this year is always try your best, and finish what you have started. So good luck 5th graders that are taking a big step higher. Hope you’ll get to play sports next year if you do… always remember don’t hate the player hate the game. Have a fun summer everyone…go fight win…and in the words of Mr. Proffit “work hard every day”. 

Hello, Upcoming Sixth Graders!!! Posted by Caroline

Hello Upcoming sixth graders, you are going to love sixth grade. 
For one, you have a whole lot of free time like if you pass you go 
to tutorials and get to do what ever you want but just don’t go 
bananas!! J You will have a lot of fun things to do like athletics, 
getting on laptops in Mrs.Schauer’s , Band, Pep rallys every Friday 
during football season!!!! When I first came to sixth grade I didn’t 
know what to expect, I was kind of nervous but its actually not all 
that bad. You will not have any field trips though L .The teachers 
are great. There are nice ones good ones funny ones and hard 
ones but it’s just great. J You’ll get to read a lot of books in Mrs. 
Schauer’s class. It’s a humungo step from baby tot elementary!! LOL 
My favorite teachers are Mrs. Camden, Mrs. Schauer and Mr.
Proffitt . My favorite thing was when we talked to Lauren Myracle… 
that’s right I said it LAUREN MYRACLE !!!! My favorite book I 
read in sixth grade was Number the Stars it’s really good!!! J 
Well, have a great year you will love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LOVE Ya Bunches,


You Are Gonna LOVE Sixth Grade! Posted by Marisol

Well 6th grade is really fun most of the time. It is very different from elementary. Like we have athletics and band and there is a lot more freedom! We also get lockers, but they aren’t like the ones in elementary.  It’s a lot more responsibility though too. You have to keep up with your locker combination and also your computer log in. You’re also gonna have to get used to changing classes. I mean I know y’all  have to change classes in elementary, but if you’re not in time for class when the bell rings you get counted tardy. Then when you get too many you have I.S.S, which I’m sure isn’t fun. All of you are going to love all your teachers! They are absolutely the best. But I’m not sure you will like math because I know I don’t. I’m not sure if its just because I was used to Mrs. Williams or what but I failed Coach DeCamp’s!! But anyways you will like Mrs. Camden  because she is really fun! Mr.Niemeier is so funny that I doubt there will be a day where he doesn’t makes you laugh. Mrs.Schauer: you’re going to love her to she’s so cool and fun! When she went to Dallas she got Makayla ,Caroline, Dara and me an autographed book from Lauren Myracle and we did a video for her and then she made us one it was so cool!!!! J But anyways I’m pretty sure going to love 6th grade sometimes there’s drama but you’re always gonna have drama in your life! The best part about sixth grade is that you get SO much more freedom! 

All About Sixth Grade Posted by Payton

6th grade was A really big advancement for me.  I made a lot of friends too. In 6th grade athletics is the very 1st period. In athletics you have to run a mile and some times we run a mile and 1 1/2 Or a monster mile witch is a mile and 1 ½ with bleachers.  2nd period is band. I love band and it is one of my favorite classes.  In band you have to practice every night for 15 to 30 minutes and fill out a practice sheet. 3rdperiod is my favorite class of all. We have Mrs. Schauer for Reading  In her class we read four books. The first was   called Number the Stars. The second one was The Tiger Rising. The third was On My Honor and the fourth was The Giver.  In Mrs. Schauer’s class we also learned how to make book trailers.  4th period is Social Studies with Mr. Flores. Here’s some advice:  Study!  In ALL of your spare time—study!  5th period I have Coach Alstrom for English and right now we are reading The Hunger Games. After that we go to lunch and after lunch it is 6th period. 6th period is math with Mrs. Gavan. She is the best math teacher ever. 7th period is tutorials and the very last class of the day is Mrs. Camden.  She is so awesome  because she lets us work in groups. Well that’s all I have to say.   Good luck next year !!  J

Your friend, 

Middle School ROCKS Posted by Noah

I never would have imagined sixth-grade would ever be as fun as it was! See, I’ve never really liked school…we just don’t get along. But this year was different. This was my first year of middle school! And let me just say that it kicks elementary’s butt! The teachers are nice, you’ve got tons of freedom, the cafeteria food’s … well…uh…there’s cafeteria food. :/  Plus: We’ve got a blog!  And by the way…pretty much every class is easy (except math). It’s like this:  ATHLETICS: Run eight laps around the track. Wow! That’s hard! BAND: Basically, you play off lines and practice, you pass! READING: Read books and write blog posts MATH: ………….no comment…..ENGLISH: do your very easy home work, and study for you spelling tests, and you’re good to go. LUNCH: Eat lunch SOCIAL STUDIES: Do very easy papers straight out of the book and study TUTORIALS: Pass: Play outside J Fail: read inside…Science: pretty much learn about Science and relax….most of the time. SO if you’re DREADING the fact that next year you’ll be going to a new, weird place…and being treated differently… just remember what I just wrote, forget any bad thoughts about it, and enjoy your sum-ah! JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

What to Expect in Sixth Grade Posted by Makayla

    JWell you might think 6th grade is going to be horrible like all the teachers say, but it’s not. As long as you have your supplies and you remembered to turn your brain on that morning you will be okay. On the first day I went straight to the gym and that’s where I saw my friends and knew I would be okay. We went through the day learning where we would sit and what we needed for our classes. Some teachers are nice (Mrs. Schauer, Mrs. Neimeier, Mrs. Camden) some teach boring subjects (Mr. Proffitt, Coach DeCamp) some are very strict like Mr. Flores. When we switch classes we have 5 minutes, which sounds like a lot of time but really you have to hurry to the next class. Sometimes if you come in a couple seconds after the tardy bell with a nice teacher they wont count you as tardy, but still DON’T BE TARDY!!   You will have more freedom, too. J In between classes don’t do dumb things, other teachers will see and “tattle” on you!!! 6th grade isn’t as hard as you think. 

To The Upcoming Sixth Graders!!! Posted by Gilbert

Hello Upcoming sixth graders! You are gonna love sixth grade because it’s pretty beast. For the first time in your life, you can actually have a little freedom.  The best thing is sports!!! I love football and it was the coolest thing that I did this year. All the teachers are cool but just do not get too rowdy—ha!  Mrs. Camden is your science teacher and she is nice, awesome, and very cool!  Mr. Niemeier is awesome!! He lets you eat and drink in his room—he’s pretty cool so be nice to him. There is one thing you do not want to be and that is tardy! If you are tardy more than twice, you will pay the consequences so don’t be tardy! Mr.Proffitt is your history teacher and he is nice. You will watch movies and do work but he helps you out a lot. Just don’t get him mad—trust me you do not want that to happen!  LOL, just act right in his class and you’ll be fine.  Mrs.Schauer well you all know who she is but she’s really cool like she lets us eat in her room.  We read books and we get are own laptops and she’s just a whole lot of fun! Ha well there’s a lot of stuff to do up here and all you need to do is keep your grades up,  listen, and try not to get in trouble.

P.S don’t be tardy!!

To the New Sixth Graders... Posted by Cireana

                Get ready for an exciting time! Y’all are probably wondering what it is going to be like or what teachers you are going to have. Well you are going to have eight teachers. There is one teacher that is very fun to be around and her name is Mrs. Schauer. Y’all will love her! You are going to have to read a lot. You are probably going to read On my Honor and Number the Stars so be ready for more work than y’all had in elementary. Well middle school is about meeting new people and meeting new teachers. Any way, you can expect a lot of drama. So enjoy 5th grade while you can y’all will be 6th graders in no time!!!

6th Grade Posted by Judith

Well I was not here for all this school year, but as soon as I came I made a lot of friends. In reading it was so fun because we used the laptops and they did a reading blog and I thought it was cool. We did reading journals and I liked it because you could write what you did over the weekend and the teacher would write back. I liked when she would write back. I was in athletics and it was fun because you get to play sports.  The hardest class for me was math because I did not really get it but it was kind of fun. When we would change classes it was fun because we could stop and talk but we had to be careful and make sure to make it to class on time. In Reading we read the book The Giver and it was kind cool— I like that book. We had band. We had lockers and we could have all our things in it.  The teachers are really nice. I think that 6th grade was fun.  My favorite part was that you could use the computer.  I am going to till u some thing important now:  DON’T BE LATE TO CLASS.  Have fun!   :)                                                                    

6th Grade Posted by Joseph

The pizza is nasty. Football was a great experience. I played as nose guard, left guard, right guard, and linebacker.
You don’t want to fail classes during football because you’ll have to do a hundred bear crawls for each bad grade and that is not fun! If you want to be the first to lunch, you need to run when the last bell rings. You should get the trumpet when you go to band.
If you are hungry find me to buy a taco for a dollar. .

Have a good year.

Advice for New Sixth Graders Posted by Bobbie

Well I really   don’t know where to start. It is so easy to pass Reading. Whatever you do do not disrespect Mrs. Schauer.  All the teachers are very nice…when you are. All you gotta do is listen and pay attention—it’s really not that hard.  Some teachers will get on your nerves, but some will understand YOU. Just treat people the way you want to be treated, and you will do fine. You guys will be like a big family in sixth grade, so take care of each other. You are probably gonna spend the rest of your high school years together…if you don’t fail. There’s this thing called “drama.” Oh my goodness!   All you have to do is ignore the haters and you can do anything. Sometimes haters can be very hard to ignore …trust me, I know! When you put your mind to it though, you will be all right. So always, show respect, listen and play it cool. So catch you later.

So You're Going to be a Sixth Grader.... Posted by Sarah

So you’re going to be a sixth grader. Well let’s see there are a lot of things I could start out with but I think I’ll start you out with the teachers. First there’s Mr. Niemeier the English teacher—he was one of my favorite teachers. Then there is Mrs. Decamp the math teacher—a little advice: PAY ATTENTION! Then there’s social studies taught by Mr. Flores. Well maybe not next year but you know he’s also the band teacher so….yeah. Then there’s…you know her, you love her… MRS. SCHAUER!   Yeah, she’s your reading teacher. Then Mrs. Camden the science teacher, then band and the day is done. But you still have tutorials where you can do what ever as long as you’re passing all your classes. I know that I might sound like your parents when I say this but pay attention, take notes, turn in your work.  You know you’ve got to be responsible.  Trust me; I learned that the HARD way! I remember one time that I thought, “Man if I’m that happy about more things to handle I wonder how the fifth graders would react?”   But you know that there were some good memories too.  I hope you have a great time in sixth grade.  Just remember what I said:  Do your best!                    

Goodbye Sixth Grade Posted by Kayla

I really think this year has gone by fast, a little too fast. I know for sure I am going to miss Mrs. Schauer., because she is one of the best teachers in 6th grade. There really weren’t any bad teachers—I liked them all. 

In Mr. Niemier’s class we read a book at the end of the school year and we also got to do a project on it. I had Mr. Flores for history.  All he dose is make us copy down notes, and it is really easy as long as you copy it all down. Math is my least favorite, but it’s not because of the teacher. I mean Mrs. DeCamp is nice, it’s just I really don’t like math. Mrs. Camden was a really good Science teacher and her class was really fun because we did projects.

I never thought I would love to read this much, but Mrs. Schauer has really helped me.  Now I love to read and I hope that any new 6th graders that don’t like it, love it by the end of their sixth grade year.  No teacher could ever help you more than Mrs. Schauer. We even had are own journal so we could talk privately with someone just in case we had any trouble with junior high…One of the reasons her class was so fun was, we got to read books together as a class, we read-The Giver, On My Honor, Number The Stars, and Tiger Rising. She had all the books on audio, where the computer read the books to us and then we talked about them and took tests over them. She showed us how to make book trailers and we got to choose what book to do it on. She also set up a blog for all 6thgrade.

I love 6thgrade and I am really sad to leave. It feels like just yesterday I was scared to meet all of my new teachers but now I don’t want to leave them.  6th grade can have a lot of drama but don’t worry you will always get through it just like I did.

Goodbye Sixth Grade Posted by Steven

Hey guys, its Steven here. I live at the South Texas Children’s Home and I love to skateboard and I draw a lot.  Sixth grade was tough for me but I won’t ever forget it. It’s been a very short year—it’ll go by fast, believe me. 

The schedule is pretty confusing if you don’t know where to go.  Get ready for Mr. Niemeier because he does not play around.  In band, you need to get ready for all the hard work, but never give up no matter how many times you get the notes wrong.  Coach Decamp teaches math and she’s pretty tough too, but you just have to keep up with all the work. For reading you’ll have Mrs. Schauer.  She’s awesome but she does NOT like disrespect—that’s all—and listen to her too. The books that you read in her class are really good, and you get to make and watch book trailers Mr. Flores is pretty strict and tough for social studies.  Mrs. Camden is pretty cool and all the science stuff she teaches you is awesome.  Lunch:  You gotta get used to a lot of walking guys.  Your feet might get sore, but you’ll get used to it.  Athletics is tough stuff—lifting weights—guys it will not be like elementary.  They are not gonna baby you anymore.  Pep rallies are the best, and you have to scream loud. 

In sixth grade there’s so much drama and fights and stuff, but you have to stay away from all that.   The choices are hard guys.  Hanging around in the wrong crowd will get you in I.S.S. or worse.  There are a lot more teachers up here so watch what you do.  During lunch you can listen to your MP3 players and stuff like that.  You have five minutes between class periods to get your stuff and get going before you get tardies.  The days go by so fast that you don’t even realize it.  It’s school, so it will stink a little, but then again it’s better than elementary. 

In sixth grade you really learn what to do and what not to do at school.  The coolest part is that in sixth grade, you learn respect.

You Will LOVE 6th Grade! Posted by Kaitlynn

Hey I’m Kaitlyn and I’m a 6th grader. I’m about to be a 7th grader and I can’t wait!!!! I’m pretty sure you are excited to be a 6th grader, because I know I was!!!! J We have 8 classes and some are really easy and some are super hard! My favorite teachers were Mrs. Schauer and Mrs. Camden they were the best teachers ever and I’m going to miss them both so so so much!!!! The class you might not like is Social Studies. You better study a lot for it because it will eat you alive if you don’t!!!!!! We have 5 minutes between each class which is awesome to me and I love it!! And you will too!!! You can never have too many Takis in 6th grade! They are your #1 love!! My friends and I friends (Dara and Bianca) went through 2 bags a day, every day!!! It was the best! Now time to talk about athletics!!! You’re probably thinking you can’t wait to get into track and volley ball……..NO!! It stinks!!! I promise you your legs are going to hurt like crazy!! You THINK it hurts in the beginning of the year—wait till the end! They’ve got you doing all these crazy work outs!!!!! Never go to P.E. though!! (you get real fat real fast and that is not fun!!!) You are probably going to have some mean bullies and that is no fun!! So just laugh at them because you are better then them! Never sit there and take it, ALWAYS stand up for your self and show them who is boss!!!!! J

So You May Think 6th Grade is Gonna be Scary... Posted by Dara

Okay well you may think sixth grade is super SCARY but if you do, you’ve got it twisted. When you’re a sixth grader you will probably like it way better than where you are now. I have to say though my FAVORITE teacher of all time was Mrs. Camden. And my second FAVORITE of all time was Mrs. Schauer so just listen to them and they might think you're their favorite student of all time. Just so you know Mr. Niemier lets you eat in his class so get yourself some Takis….You can never have enough TAKIS!!!!!!!! J You better be ready for Social Studies because if you have Mr. Flores you will be writing notes till your whole body hurts!!!! Just wait till athletics! Your body will be hurting for a week but just push yourself or you will be put into P.E. (but don’t pick to go to P.E. because you will get really FAT FAST!!!!)J You can never have too many friends so you might want to get some!!! My friends are probably the whole sixth grade class but my favorites are BIANCA + KAITLYN because they have always been there for me…….. J Back to TAKIS don’t ever be friends with someone that just wants to eat your TAKIS like somebody I know……..But back to school if you need any help just talk to ME……!!!!!????? J J J

 P.S.Hope to see you next year… Talk to you later.!

Goodbye Sixth Grade Posted by Blake

Mrs.Schauer  is awesome  except when she is in a bad mood she can be  mean . But her class is fun because we use laptops and we read books.  At the end of the year we got to watch movies that were kind of like the books we read.  A lot changes when you get to   Jr. High. Classes are shorter and there are eight a day but they’re not that hard. Teachers up here are fun but there is one class I dislike a lot, and that is band.  The rest  of the classes are great . Trouble:   I’ve been in trouble three times this year .Last year in fifth grade I was in trouble every day. But not so much any more and I’m glad.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Have a Great Year! Posted by Bianca

 Hey I’m Bianca and I am a 6th grader at Pettus Junior High.  You might think 6th grade is going to be easy and fun… well some classes they are but not all the time... like in Mrs. Schauers class she likes to eat small kids!   Just kidding,  she is really cool. We have 8 classes and they’re all cool. We have athletics in the morning and its really hard but Friday are the fun days. J  Mrs. Camden  lets you do whatever you want sometimes its really fun……and I’m going to miss her the most. 

If you get Mrs. Flores for Social Studies well…..good luck.  I am not saying that he’s mean or anything but he does make you write so be practicing writing over the summer. Band is cool you just have to pick a good instrument…I picked the clarinet and it was okay I guess.  

I have never gotten I.S.S because I was always a sweet little girl.  (J.K., don’t believe that.)  O.M.G you do a lot of walking in 6th grade! The classes are all really far away from each other.  Have fun and don’t give up on any of your classes or athletics…. If you ever run into a bully don’t let them push you around.  Stand up for yourself and tell a teacher if you need to…or punch that fool in the face!! Not really—fighting is never the answer, but stick up to them and tell them that you’re not scared….and if they run start laughing and tell them that you’re better then them and that you don’t need any back-up.  J

In Mr. Niemeier’s class you get to eat and drink so always have Takis and never share with boys because they eat all your food and will hang out with you just because you have food.  J

I hope you have a great year in sixth grade  and love all your teachers!! 

Goodbye Sixth Grade Posted by Adrian

I’m really going to miss this grade because Mrs. Schauer is the best teacher along with Mrs. Camden . If you have band and if it is with Mr. Flores, you’re doomed because he is super strict—Trust me I have been in a lot of trouble!  Also, math might give you some trouble because you’ll be adding integers and subtracting and it is just real hard. In Mrs. Schauer’s class you write in journals, just talking with her and some times she will write back and if she doesn’t, and you write the next day she will write twice as much. You also read a lot of awesome books like The Giver. In her class you also get to write on the blog and make book trailers.There are so many reasons why I don’t want to leave 6th grade that I won’t be able to write them all down. If I did I would have blisters on my fingers— but the main reason is because of Mrs. Schauer and Mrs. Camden.  Also watch out because you have 8 classes in junior high and a whole bunch of teachers. You can also bring phones. The one I had was a black berry torch. In sixth grade there are a lot of fights and drama.  One thing I can tell you is don’t end up like me always getting in trouble because it isn’t fun.  You get swats, I.S.S & bus suspension, where you cant ride the bus.
You also have athletics where you can play football or you can be in PE where you mainly just walk all period and some times play baseball or kickball.
If you are a new kid, it’s hard because you have to leave all your old friends behind.