Wednesday, December 14, 2011

FAR FROM YOU, by Lisa Schroeder

Ok this girl named Alice has a lot of stuff  happening in her life. Her mom named her Alice because her mom’s favorite book was Alice and Wonderland.  
Posted by Emerald
Well Alice’s mom has passed away because of cancer, and Alice’s dad has moved on with his life and gotten married to another woman. Alice’s stepmother is with baby at that point, and she wants them all to go and see her parents.  Alice does not want to, but she goes anyway. Her dad was called from work to go meet someone important in N.Y.C.  Alice and her step mom do not get along so much but she is stuck there with her and her parents as well. Five days later they leave, and then Alice’s step mom
 gets them stuck in the snow.  Lots of other stuff happens, but before I tell you the whole story, you have to read it for yourself.  Read it!   I bet you well love it because it is the most amazing book I have ever read in my life! =)


  1. I loved this book so much too! ;)

  2. You guys are really good for my ego - thank you!!!

  3. Lisa, your books are wildly popular with my girls--and even some of the boys. :)

  4. Emerald,
    I am going to buy this book for my school library based on your recommendation. Thank you for such a good review.
    Ruth Ann Noe
    Perryton Jr. High Library
    Perryton, TX

  5. you did good on the review=)


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