This blog was created as a way for us to share what's going on in our Social Studies, Reading and English classes. Mrs. Schauer will try to post daily this year, sharing what's going on in our classes. We will mostly post about books that we're reading in class, or books that we're reading on our own. Sometimes we will just post random stuff we think is interesting. We hope you enjoy our blog!
Monday, September 1, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Advice from Kayle
Dear Future Sixth Grade Class,
I’m going to tell you what to expect and what you’re probably going to want to avoid in junior high.
Sixth grade of course is gonna be a lot different from fifth grade because you’re gonna be able to have a lot of freedom. Now I know what you’re thinking. you are probably thinking that you’ll be able to get away with everything, but I wouldn’t count on that. They have eyes everywhere! I can’t really tell you or give hints about where those eyes might be because I don’t want to get in trouble for whatever might happen with you future sixth graders! :)
Anyway, why don’t we go ahead and talk about your classes. OK, Mrs. Camden’s class is really fun. If you’re quiet you can listen to music on your phone while you’re working! Oh and I don’t know if she’ll still have this, but right now she is this thing called a “quiet day.” All it is, is if she has a substitute or if while she’s there and she feels that the class is out of control, she won’t tell you anything the next day. There will just be instructions written on the board, a packet of papers in front of you, and the expectation that you’ll finish it by the end of her class period. (And you don’t get to listen to music)
Now, Mrs. DeCamp...she’s a pretty good teacher, it’s just when it comes to doing paperwork...she does the work right, but she like, I don’t know….I just never really understood the way she explained it. When she would explain it and then leave the rest of it for us to do on our own if I went up for help, it seemed like she explained it a totally different way. Math is hard!
For Social Studies you’ll have either Coach Ramirez or Mr. Flores. Now I don’t know what Coach Ramirez does, but I do know that in Mr. Flores’ class you will write a lot of notes and you never get to watch a movie in there. Let’s just say you don’t get a lot of freedom in there unless you’re doing paperwork.
Mrs. Schauer teaching Reading and English, so you’ll have her for two periods. At the beginning of the year, you don’t get to watch any movies, Mrs. Schauer is so awesome, the work she makes you do doesn’t even feel like work. Her class doesn’t even feel like class, because she has a couch and lots of pillows and stuff. Her classroom is really kind of more like a lounge.
Seventh period is basically just time for you to hang with friends if you’re passing all your classes. It’s kind of like recess, but for junior high. If you have mandatory tutorials then you have to go to them because if you dont then its a warning and then the second time it’s a write up and then the third I think you have detention or ISS.
Eighth period I had Band and all Mr.Flores expects is just for you to get your theory done and to get your practice sheet done.Oh and if you’re gonna be in high school band I suggest that you start taking band seriously because if you act childish in high school band you’ll either get chewed out or get kicked out.
And that’s everything that happens in your day. There’s really nothing you should really avoid. Just don’t start drama because you can’t get rid of it and just stay out of high schoolers’ way or they get mad.
Advice from Binjimin
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
I am going to talk to you about what to expect, what you'll probably like, and what to avoid in middle school. On the first day, it is hectic. I didn't know where to go or what to do, so I just followed an eighth grader, only I didn't know it was an eighth grader.
To me, PE is just plain boring. Yeah, you "exercise" by playing a game of kickball or walking around the track, but most of the time you just sit around. If you get a choice, my opinion is for you to choose Athletics instead of PE
Mrs. Camden is pretty fun for Science and I liked her class. Math is boring, so I don't care about math. For Social Studies, it depends on who you get, but I got Mr. Flores. He makes you write A LOT of notes. If you annoyed him enough like I did, he would put you in the back of the room. I got put in the back and just propped my backpack up on a desk and didn't write notes for the rest of the year. (I stopped writing them in the middle of the first semester, which is probably why my grades were never very good in that class)
Mrs. Schauer is AWESOME!!! She teaches Reading and English and everybody likes her. She is fun and makes everything that's hard seem easy. She does make you work, but it's not bad because she makes it fun. If you are lucky like I was, you'll get her after 4th period and spend an hour with her. Then you'll go to lunch and come back for another hour with her.
Seventh Period is Tutorials. If you're passing your classes, you get to go down to the old tennis courts and play or do whatever you want.
Eighth period for me was Band, and I played the drums. At first I thought I wanted to be in high school band, but it got really hard and boring, so I decided not to stay in after sixth grade.
What to Avoid!!!!!!!!
1. Do not make fun of seniors because they WILL hurt you.
2. Don't pants someone in Science.
3. Don't climb a tall tree and slide back down.
4. Don't mess with Mr. Niemeier.
5. Don't poop in a urinal. (It was a dare, and I learned my lesson--don't do it!)
Well, got to go. Good luck in sixth grade!
I am going to talk to you about what to expect, what you'll probably like, and what to avoid in middle school. On the first day, it is hectic. I didn't know where to go or what to do, so I just followed an eighth grader, only I didn't know it was an eighth grader.
To me, PE is just plain boring. Yeah, you "exercise" by playing a game of kickball or walking around the track, but most of the time you just sit around. If you get a choice, my opinion is for you to choose Athletics instead of PE
Mrs. Camden is pretty fun for Science and I liked her class. Math is boring, so I don't care about math. For Social Studies, it depends on who you get, but I got Mr. Flores. He makes you write A LOT of notes. If you annoyed him enough like I did, he would put you in the back of the room. I got put in the back and just propped my backpack up on a desk and didn't write notes for the rest of the year. (I stopped writing them in the middle of the first semester, which is probably why my grades were never very good in that class)
Mrs. Schauer is AWESOME!!! She teaches Reading and English and everybody likes her. She is fun and makes everything that's hard seem easy. She does make you work, but it's not bad because she makes it fun. If you are lucky like I was, you'll get her after 4th period and spend an hour with her. Then you'll go to lunch and come back for another hour with her.
Seventh Period is Tutorials. If you're passing your classes, you get to go down to the old tennis courts and play or do whatever you want.
Eighth period for me was Band, and I played the drums. At first I thought I wanted to be in high school band, but it got really hard and boring, so I decided not to stay in after sixth grade.
What to Avoid!!!!!!!!
1. Do not make fun of seniors because they WILL hurt you.
2. Don't pants someone in Science.
3. Don't climb a tall tree and slide back down.
4. Don't mess with Mr. Niemeier.
5. Don't poop in a urinal. (It was a dare, and I learned my lesson--don't do it!)
Well, got to go. Good luck in sixth grade!
Advice from Ruby
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
I am going to tell you some stuff I think you’ll like about sixth grade and what you should avoid. Well, what I like about sixth grade is that it’s fun and you get to learn a lot of stuff. Like Coach DeCamp can teach you a lot of stuff about math, like this thing called P.E.M.D.A.S. Mr. Flores teaches Social Studies and in his class you will take a LOT of notes...and yes, it does get boring with him talking, but need those notes so you can study them and do well on your tests! Mr. Flores can be nice when he wants to but he can also be mean. It’s not about him being nice or mean though, it’s about him teaching you what he can. You will also have Mr. Flores for band, which can be really annoying, but you’ll get used to it. . Mrs. Schauer teaches Reading and English and she is really nice. She’s one of my best teachers. She does teach you a LOT, but she’s also really nice, so do not disrespect her. Well, do not disrespect any of the teachers!
Here are some things that you should definitely do/not do:
1. Do not mess with people that you don’t know because you don’t want to get beaten up.
2. Do not talk back to the teachers. If they tell you do do something, then just do it.
3. Do not be a bully to others. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
4. Do your work when you’re supposed to.
Well, I guess that’s all for now.
Advice from Alyssa
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
Here are all the fun (and sometimes boring) things you’ll get to experience when you get to the sixth grade!
1. PE is so boring that ya’ll are going to want to just be in Athletics already, trust me. PE feels like it will never’s like a never ending hole most days. Sometimes you can just walk on the track though, and on those days it’s not so bad.
2. Mrs. Camden’s class is pretty good unless you are annoying or a moron. But other than that it’s good. Her class is like one of my favorites unless it’s one of those quiet days. On those days she makes you be completely quiet and do this huge packet.
3. Coach DeCamp for Math isn’t that bad. You just do a lot of work and it gets boring. Some days she can be nice and she’ll let you color or something, but it all just depends on if y’all are good or bad. Just beware, she doesn’t put up with bad behavior for long.
4. Mr. Flores (I like calling him Mr. Flowers for some odd reason) teaches Social Studies and I don’t like his class at all. All you do is write notes and do papers and tests and it gets so boring! Sometimes he will talk a lot though, but that just means that you’ll stay on the same note for like ever.
5. Mrs. Schauer is AWESOME for Reading. I love being in her class. Sometimes though, if she is, mad...RUN! She can be nice but then scary at the same time.
6. Lunch is pretty much the same in jr high as it it in elementary--you EAT.
7. After lunch I had Mrs. Schauer again for English. Same old story.
8. Tutiorals you go outside and play or whatever, as long as you’re passing all your classes.
9. Band its not that bad. It can be pretty boring, and Mr. Flores can be mean, but I guess that’s really your own opinion.
So yeah, enjoy sixth grade. Bye! ;)
Advice from Leo
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
This year will be better than the last. There will be barely any homework. (which is awesome) The first day may be frustrating--I would know--I got on the wrong bus the first day! It starts out hard, but you'll get used to it.
Mrs. Schauer's class is really awesome because she is not like any other teacher. Math is not really fun at all--it's way too boring, but somehow I got through it and that means you can too. Who you get for Social Studies is critical. What's the reason it's critical? Well I'll tell you...Mr. Flores is said to be very very boring and slow on progressing through Social Studies. I had Coach Ramirez and let me tell you, he is AWESOME. Just behave!
Well, I was going to write a lot more, but we ran out of time, so that's all I've got for you. If you want to know more, just find me next year!
This year will be better than the last. There will be barely any homework. (which is awesome) The first day may be frustrating--I would know--I got on the wrong bus the first day! It starts out hard, but you'll get used to it.
Mrs. Schauer's class is really awesome because she is not like any other teacher. Math is not really fun at all--it's way too boring, but somehow I got through it and that means you can too. Who you get for Social Studies is critical. What's the reason it's critical? Well I'll tell you...Mr. Flores is said to be very very boring and slow on progressing through Social Studies. I had Coach Ramirez and let me tell you, he is AWESOME. Just behave!
Well, I was going to write a lot more, but we ran out of time, so that's all I've got for you. If you want to know more, just find me next year!
Advice from Darian
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
Hello, I am going to tell you about sixth grade. The first day of school was kinda fun because we didn’t have to do any work. I love Athletics, so if you have a choice between Athletics and PE you should pick Athletics. in PE all we did was play baseball and kickball every day. In Athletics we got to play football if we worked hard. (It’s actually called eagleball.)
I loved Science, Reading and English. The reason I loved Science was because we didn’t do a lot of hard work. I love Reading and English because sometimes we got to watch a movie if we had done a lot of work.
Here are some pointers about what not to do in junior high:
1. Don’t take anybody’s locker
2. Don’t bully other students
3. Don’t throw anything at anybody
4. No fighting or you will face the consequences
5. Don’t skip tutorials
6. Don’t Take other people’s athletics clothes
7. Don’t steal anything from the classroom
8. Never lie to the teacher’s or the principal or you will face the consequences
Well that’s all I have to say. Got to go. Later future 6th graders.
Advice from Mariana
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
Sixth grade teachers are going to expect more from you so you are going to have to be more responsible than you were in elementary. Like, take good care when doing your work, make sure you take all the stuff you need for each class. Y'all might not have much homework but when you do, make sure you do it because it counts a lot on your grade. In junior high you'll have more freedom, but that doesn't mean you can take advantage of it--you will still need to be responsible.
This year the girls didn't have a choice to pick PE or Athletics so we just had to stay in PE and it is not much fun. We just did exercises and played kickball. I would rather be in Athletics because I like to play sports, run, and lift weights Make sure you come to school already dressed out because the coach takes points off if you don't.
I had Science with Mrs. Camden for second period. In her class it's fun because we do a lot of experiments and other fun stuff. Sometimes in her class we had homework, but that's only if you don't get your work done in her class. She sometimes lets you work with a partner but you have to do your work and if you know you don't do well with a partner, then I suggest you just work by yourself. That is better than making a bad decision and working with a partner, and then being loud and not letting other people get their work done. If y'all are loud and don't do your work then the next day you'll have a quiet day which means you have to do nothing but work silently the entire period and nobody wants to do that.
In Math you might have Coach DeCamp and in her class you definitely do work. Just pay attention and do your work, and you'll be fine.
You might have Mr. Flores for Social Studies, or you might have Coach Ramirez. I had Mr. Flores and in his class you write a BUNCH of notes. Make sure you are not late to his class, because he will count you tardy no matter what. He's not that nice, but just stay on his good side and you should be OK.
For fifth and sixth periods I had Mrs. Schauer for Reading and English. She is the best teacher ever, so please respect her. She doesn't give homework and she makes everything she teaches seem easy even though some of it is hard.
For seventh period you will have Tutorials. If you're passing all your classes, you get free time, but if you're not, then you have to go to a class. If you have to go to a class, GO, because you don't want to be sent to the office during your first year up here!
For my last period I had Band, and for that class you need to bring your band instrument every day, do your practice sheets and turn them in on time.
And that's your whole day! Just be more responsible than you were in elementary, make sure to do all your homework and be on time to all your classes. Also be respectful and follow directions. Stay out of trouble.
Things you should NOT do:
1. Skip class
2. Do dumb things just to get attention and get in trouble
3. Be late
4. Be disrespectful
5. Not follow directions
I hope you have a great year in sixth grade!
Sixth grade teachers are going to expect more from you so you are going to have to be more responsible than you were in elementary. Like, take good care when doing your work, make sure you take all the stuff you need for each class. Y'all might not have much homework but when you do, make sure you do it because it counts a lot on your grade. In junior high you'll have more freedom, but that doesn't mean you can take advantage of it--you will still need to be responsible.
This year the girls didn't have a choice to pick PE or Athletics so we just had to stay in PE and it is not much fun. We just did exercises and played kickball. I would rather be in Athletics because I like to play sports, run, and lift weights Make sure you come to school already dressed out because the coach takes points off if you don't.
I had Science with Mrs. Camden for second period. In her class it's fun because we do a lot of experiments and other fun stuff. Sometimes in her class we had homework, but that's only if you don't get your work done in her class. She sometimes lets you work with a partner but you have to do your work and if you know you don't do well with a partner, then I suggest you just work by yourself. That is better than making a bad decision and working with a partner, and then being loud and not letting other people get their work done. If y'all are loud and don't do your work then the next day you'll have a quiet day which means you have to do nothing but work silently the entire period and nobody wants to do that.
In Math you might have Coach DeCamp and in her class you definitely do work. Just pay attention and do your work, and you'll be fine.
You might have Mr. Flores for Social Studies, or you might have Coach Ramirez. I had Mr. Flores and in his class you write a BUNCH of notes. Make sure you are not late to his class, because he will count you tardy no matter what. He's not that nice, but just stay on his good side and you should be OK.
For fifth and sixth periods I had Mrs. Schauer for Reading and English. She is the best teacher ever, so please respect her. She doesn't give homework and she makes everything she teaches seem easy even though some of it is hard.
For seventh period you will have Tutorials. If you're passing all your classes, you get free time, but if you're not, then you have to go to a class. If you have to go to a class, GO, because you don't want to be sent to the office during your first year up here!
For my last period I had Band, and for that class you need to bring your band instrument every day, do your practice sheets and turn them in on time.
And that's your whole day! Just be more responsible than you were in elementary, make sure to do all your homework and be on time to all your classes. Also be respectful and follow directions. Stay out of trouble.
Things you should NOT do:
1. Skip class
2. Do dumb things just to get attention and get in trouble
3. Be late
4. Be disrespectful
5. Not follow directions
I hope you have a great year in sixth grade!
Advice from Ebony
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
I am gonna tell you how to survive your first year of junior high. All right, now first off don't mess with high school kids--that's your number one rule. Two, don't do PE because it's the worst thing ever; trust me, I was in it. :( Three: Have FUN in all of your classes. I loved Mrs. Camden because she was awesome. Just don't get too loud or you'll get a "quiet day" and those are the worst. I hate Math...I actually stopped liking it in the fifth grade, but Coach DeCamp's class is hard and boring. Make sure you keep all of your graded papers because you'll have a lot by the end of the six weeks and you have to turn them all in, in the right order. Good luck in her class--you're gonna need it.
There are two more amazing teachers I need to tell you about. First off, let's start off with Mr. Flores. He's funny and a really good teacher in Band, but if you have him for Social Studies, watch out! It's hard, but just study for everything and write all your notes--it's really that simple. Alright, last but not least, my one and only favorite teacher: Mrs. Schauer. That lady is the most amazing, funny teacher ever. Her class isn't hard unless YOU make it hard. Just sit there, be quiet and do your work.
That pretty much sums it up. I'd like to wish you luck next year.
Good luck and have fun!
I am gonna tell you how to survive your first year of junior high. All right, now first off don't mess with high school kids--that's your number one rule. Two, don't do PE because it's the worst thing ever; trust me, I was in it. :( Three: Have FUN in all of your classes. I loved Mrs. Camden because she was awesome. Just don't get too loud or you'll get a "quiet day" and those are the worst. I hate Math...I actually stopped liking it in the fifth grade, but Coach DeCamp's class is hard and boring. Make sure you keep all of your graded papers because you'll have a lot by the end of the six weeks and you have to turn them all in, in the right order. Good luck in her class--you're gonna need it.
There are two more amazing teachers I need to tell you about. First off, let's start off with Mr. Flores. He's funny and a really good teacher in Band, but if you have him for Social Studies, watch out! It's hard, but just study for everything and write all your notes--it's really that simple. Alright, last but not least, my one and only favorite teacher: Mrs. Schauer. That lady is the most amazing, funny teacher ever. Her class isn't hard unless YOU make it hard. Just sit there, be quiet and do your work.
That pretty much sums it up. I'd like to wish you luck next year.
Good luck and have fun!
Advice from Julien
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
I am going to tell you how to survive the sixth grade. On the first day you get kind of nervous and you feel like you're in a whole different world. You don't know where any of your classes are and you feel all tiny. You get picked on by the high schoolers unless you know some that like you.
You have a lot more freedom in junior high than you had in elementary. There are no more teachers telling you to get in a line at the door. There is nobody to hold your hand. It's just you.
I liked my schedule. First period I had PE or Athletics. I was in PE for the first half of the year until they gave us a choice. I think Athletics is way better than PE because in Athletics you can play sports and lift weights. Second period I had Mrs. Camden for Science. Science is a good period to get stuff done in. Sometimes we did projects but make sure you get your work done in her class because if you don't you will make a bad grade. Third period I had Coach DeCamp for Math. There's really not much to say about it--it is just math. Fourth period I had Mr. Flores for Social Studies. The main thing I need to say about that is MAKE SURE YOU WRITE ALL YOUR NOTES...and there are a lot of them. Fifth period I had Mrs. Schauer for Reading and everybody likes her. I also have her for English sixth period, and we have lunch in between her classes. (Bring your own lunch) Seventh period is tutorials. If you're passing all of your classes you get to go down to the tennis courts and play football or just hang out. Eighth period I had Band. You may not like Mr. Flores in sixth grade Band but give him a chance because I heard it gets a lot better in high school.
Good luck in sixth grade!
Advice from Michael
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
I wasn't in Pettus for very long. I was only here for six weeks, but it was fun. The teacher you have to watch out for is Coach Ramirez. The funnest teacher is Mrs. Schauer. Mr. Niemeier is a pretty cool principal but the bad thing about him is that he always takes the girls' side.
PE is the most boring because all you do is play kickball. Athletics is so much better because you get to lift weights.
The sorry people are the freshmen. The good thing for me was that all the freshmen liked be because I'm small and a lot of the the girls thought I was cute.
There's not a lot of homework. In fact, there's really never any homework, so that's awesome.
The funniest thing that happened this year was when a guy in my class peed all over himself. Everyone laughed and he told EVERYONE about it--even the teachers!
My favorite part of the day is tutorials because if you're passing all you classes you get to hang out with all of your friends.
Good Luck,
I wasn't in Pettus for very long. I was only here for six weeks, but it was fun. The teacher you have to watch out for is Coach Ramirez. The funnest teacher is Mrs. Schauer. Mr. Niemeier is a pretty cool principal but the bad thing about him is that he always takes the girls' side.
PE is the most boring because all you do is play kickball. Athletics is so much better because you get to lift weights.
The sorry people are the freshmen. The good thing for me was that all the freshmen liked be because I'm small and a lot of the the girls thought I was cute.
There's not a lot of homework. In fact, there's really never any homework, so that's awesome.
The funniest thing that happened this year was when a guy in my class peed all over himself. Everyone laughed and he told EVERYONE about it--even the teachers!
My favorite part of the day is tutorials because if you're passing all you classes you get to hang out with all of your friends.
Good Luck,
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Advice from Dexter
There are a few things you should know before you start your normal routine in the everyday life of a sixth grader. I’m going to help you out with some things that you should avoid, and not avoid.
First of all the classes will be a little harder, but it’s not too bad. My favorite classes were Athletics, Science, Reading, and English. Most of the teachers were good, but I just couldn’t stand the subject Math. The only class I struggled with was Social Studies with Mr. Flores. He made us write a lot of notes, and usually gave us a note test, so remember: Always write your notes.
Athletics is really cool except for the fact that people steal your clothes. The coach says to leave your workout clothes in the field house to be washed but I never did that because people always stole my clothes.
Science was really easy. We never really did much and when we did it was really easy to me.
Mrs. Schauer teaches Reading and English. I never liked reading, but Mrs. Schauer made it really fun. English is just like talking. It’s really easy because Mrs. Schauer makes that fun too.
There is a lot more freedom here and the teachers aren’t always holding your hand through everything and I think that’s way better. If you ever need any help just ask me.
See you next time,
Advice from Devon
The first day of middle school will be very rough and you will be very nervous.
My first period was PE. I didn’t like it, but the people who like to do nothing but sit around for an hour would probably enjoy it. I went to Athletics which is a lot better than PE. That’s where you get to work out, run, and play football.
My second period class was band. At first I wanted to play an instrument called a baritone but it got really boring.
I had Math for third period. In my opinion, Math is one my least favorite classes because all we did was a lot of work, with no fun activities.
Social Studies was my third period class. In that class you have to write a lot. We would usually spend the whole period writing notes and getting a lot of homework.
Fifth and sixth period I had Reading and English, and they are the best classes in the world. Mrs. Schauer has a way of making stuff that is hard seem fun.
Things that you should NEVER do:
1. Don’t mess with the high schoolers. They will get you.
2. Don’t ever talk back to teachers.
3. Don’t underestimate Mr. Neimeier.
4. Don’t stay in PE if you get a chance to switch to Athletics.
Good luck!
Advice from Lee
The first day of sixth grade is really kind of scary and it’s super important that you don’t forget your schedule. You might get made fun of because all of this year’s sixth graders did. You better hope you don’t have Mr. Flores for Social Studies because all you do in his class is write notes and take tests. Never mess with any of the high school kids because they will swirly you or trash can you.
First period is Athletics and it was my favorite because we got to lift weights and excercise in different ways like running and playing football. PE isn’t as good as Athletics because all you do is sit around or play kickball.
Second period is Band and it’s alright because you’ll have Mr. Flores. You might also have him for Social Studies.
The other classes you’ll have are Math, Reading, and English.
Some things you should never do:
1. Don’t talk back to the teachers
2. Always do your work
3. Never bring drugs or dip to school
Good luck next year,
Advice from JJ
I am going to tell you what is fun and what to avoid in middle school.
So, elementary is way different than middle school, so expect change, chaos, and also being one of the smallest kids in the school, which is something you’ll have to just get used to.
If you actually want to do something next year, rather than just sitting in the gym half the year in PE, go to athletics if they give you the chance. In athletics you get to lift weights and run. It’s a lot of fun. (usually)
For second period I had Science, and it was pretty much my favorite class because we never really did super hard work. She did give us these big packets though--ugh, I hated those packets.
I had Math third period and I guess that math isn’t that boring to me because I’ve never fallen asleep in that class.
What I DO know is that Social Studies is the most boringest class ever. I had that third period and all we ever did was take notes and get yelled at by Mr. Flores. (Dun, dun, dun, dun!)
Everything I had to go through all day was all worth it though because right after Social Studies I got to go to my favorite class, Mrs. Schauer’s, for an hour. then I got to eat and go back to her class for another hour. She gives work that is really hard, but she makes it seem easy.
Tutorials is seventh period where you pretty much just stand around talking for thirty minutes, or hiding from Mr. Flores so you don’t have to go to Band tutorials. (I forgot to mention that he is also our Band teacher)
The last period of my day was the worst class of them all, to me...BAND!!! All I did was sleep, but don’t do what I did because I’m failing really bad. So, you should use me as an example of what NOT to do.
So here are some things to avoid:
1. Don’t put too much weight on for squats
2. Don’t put too much weight on for bench.
3. Don’t make upperclassmen mad (unless of course you want to get jumped in a bathroom)
4. Don’t get table-topped.
5. Just avoid the things that you know you should avoid.
Advice from Jasmine
I’m going to tell what to try to avoid and prepare for in the 6th grade. Always be on time for class and if you have the same teacher for more than one class, try to stay on their good sides. For instance Mr. Flores is very very strict on having everything you need for class, so just make sure to have you books and notebooks for class because you have a lot of notes to write. Mrs.Decamp I'm not sure if you’ll have her but she is a little strict--not a whole lot but strict. She sometimes lets you watch movies sometimes but not all the time. In Mrs. Schauer and Mrs. Camden’s classes you can watch some movies if they're in good moods and you’ve done a lot of work. .Ohh and if you’re planing on staying in P.E. exercise and try to play the games the coaches have for you to play. If not walk and talk to your best friends. Your P.E. teacher is kind of mean, so be careful. Tutorials is out by the tennis courts and during that period you can mainly do whatever you want to do, as long as you’re not failing a class.
Things to avoid:
#1 Try to avoid some seniors. They can be a little mean.
#2 Try to avoid hanging out with annoying people because they’re annoying.
#3 Try to avoid getting put in ISS for fighting and other things.
#4 Try to avoid being sent to Mr. Niemeier’s office
Things to prepare:
* Make sure you can open your locker if not just tell your teacher the problem
* Keep the stuff that you’ll need in your backpack.
* Prepare for the finals at the end of the year .
Well I think that it see you next year:)
Last Years 6th grader,
Advice from Brandon
Dear Future Sixth Graders,
Hi, my name is Brandon and I'm going to tell you what to expect in the sixth grade. Well I am new to this school and I was nervous at the beginning of the year so I just followed the first person in my classes.
PE is a boring period but I'm not a huge fan of athletics because I'm kind of a band geek. The thing about band is that it's not easy, but if you have a lot of fun with it like I did, then it might just be one of your easiest periods.
My favorite classes are Reading and English because they are taught by the best teacher, Mrs. Schauer. She makes everything seem easy. We sometimes would have this thing called a "snack pack" where you would get a free snack if you made a 100 on a packet.
If you're lucky like me, you will have Coach Ramirez as your Social Studies teacher. He's fun and you get to watch movies after every few chapters.
Sixth grade can be brutal. There are people who can be so mean and my advice about that is for you to just ignore them. I am a kid who stands up for himself and others. If a bully messed with me, he might as well have tied himself up to a tree and said, "ready, aim, fire!" (That's a reference from a book you'll read with Mrs. Schauer.)
I wish you the best of luck with Math; I did not have much luck with that myself but hopefully you'll do better than me.
Sixth grade wasn't that bad. It wasn't great, but it was fun and I think you'll like it too.
Good luck!
Brandon (AKA the band geek)
Hi, my name is Brandon and I'm going to tell you what to expect in the sixth grade. Well I am new to this school and I was nervous at the beginning of the year so I just followed the first person in my classes.
PE is a boring period but I'm not a huge fan of athletics because I'm kind of a band geek. The thing about band is that it's not easy, but if you have a lot of fun with it like I did, then it might just be one of your easiest periods.
My favorite classes are Reading and English because they are taught by the best teacher, Mrs. Schauer. She makes everything seem easy. We sometimes would have this thing called a "snack pack" where you would get a free snack if you made a 100 on a packet.
If you're lucky like me, you will have Coach Ramirez as your Social Studies teacher. He's fun and you get to watch movies after every few chapters.
Sixth grade can be brutal. There are people who can be so mean and my advice about that is for you to just ignore them. I am a kid who stands up for himself and others. If a bully messed with me, he might as well have tied himself up to a tree and said, "ready, aim, fire!" (That's a reference from a book you'll read with Mrs. Schauer.)
I wish you the best of luck with Math; I did not have much luck with that myself but hopefully you'll do better than me.
Sixth grade wasn't that bad. It wasn't great, but it was fun and I think you'll like it too.
Good luck!
Brandon (AKA the band geek)
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