Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Advice from Mariana

Dear Future Sixth Graders,

Sixth grade teachers are going to expect more from you so you are going to have to be more responsible than you were in elementary.  Like, take good care when doing your work, make sure you take all the stuff you need for each class.  Y'all might not have much homework but when you do, make sure you do it because it counts a lot on your grade.  In junior high you'll have more freedom, but that doesn't mean you can take advantage of it--you will still need to be responsible.

This year the girls didn't have a choice to pick PE or Athletics so we just had to stay in PE and it is not much fun.  We just did exercises and played kickball.  I would rather be in Athletics because I like to play sports, run, and lift weights  Make sure you come to school already dressed out because the coach takes points off if you don't.

I had Science with Mrs. Camden for second period.  In her class it's fun because we do a lot of experiments and other fun stuff.  Sometimes in her class we had homework, but that's only if you don't get your work done in her class.  She sometimes lets you work with a partner but you have to do your work and if you know you don't do well with a partner, then I suggest you just work by yourself.  That is better than making a bad decision and working with a partner, and then being loud and not letting other people get their work done.  If y'all are loud and don't do your work then the next day you'll have a quiet day which means you have to do nothing but work silently the entire period and nobody wants to do that. 

In Math you might have Coach DeCamp and in her class you definitely do work.  Just pay attention and do your work, and you'll be fine.

You might have Mr. Flores for Social Studies, or you might have Coach Ramirez.  I had Mr. Flores and in his class you write a BUNCH of notes.  Make sure you are not late to his class, because he will count you tardy no matter what.  He's not that nice, but just stay on his good side and you should be OK.

For fifth and sixth periods I had Mrs. Schauer for Reading and English.  She is the best teacher ever, so please respect her.  She doesn't give homework and she makes everything she teaches seem easy even though some of it is hard. 

For seventh period you will have Tutorials. If you're passing all your classes, you get free time, but if you're not, then you have to go to a class.  If you have to go to a class, GO, because you don't want to be sent to the office during your first year up here!

For my last period I had Band, and for that class you need to bring your band instrument every day, do your practice sheets and turn them in on time.

And that's your whole day!  Just be more responsible than you were in elementary, make sure to do all your homework and be on time to all your classes.  Also be respectful and follow directions.  Stay out of trouble.

Things you should NOT do:

1.  Skip class
2.  Do dumb things just to get attention and get in trouble
3.  Be late
4.  Be disrespectful
5.  Not follow directions

I hope you have a great year in sixth grade!


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