Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Advice from Alexis

Dear Future 6th Graders,

I am going to tell you what to expect in 6th grade next year.  It is really cool up here, especially during tutorials because you get to play or talk with your friends.  My favorite subject was Social Studies because it’s really easy as long as you pay attention.  You will either get Mr. Flores or Coach Ramirez for Social Studies.  I had Coach Ramirez and he was really cool.  Mrs. Camden was my favorite teacher.  We did this really cool project one time where we used string as intestines and I found out that your body holds seven meters of intestines.  The library has a lot of books that you might like.  Mrs Schauer is the librarian and also one of the sixth grade teachers.  She is my second favorite teacher--she helped me find books I liked to read.  She will also let you read books on your phone.  I read on my phone all the time using an app called Wattpad.  It has a lot of books--I’ve read over 53 books on there!  It has all kinds of books like werewolf books, vampires, zombies and lots of others too.  I’d have to say that I dislike Math the most, but mainly because I just really don’t get it.  At the end of the year we did a tessellation project where we made patterns and turned them into things.  I turned mine into turtles and unicorns.  
Good luck next year,


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